Drop-ins, warming and food sources
Port Hope, winter 2025
9:00 to 12:30 Coffee with Friends Drop In at the Salvation Army, 100 Peter Street, refreshments and snacks, and the Food Cupboard is open 9 to 1 for qualifying people, please call for an appointment 905 885 2323
11:30 to 1:00 Knights of Columbus Hall (with Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church) 1 Elias Street. Free Hot Lunch, please arrive near 11:30
When you have more than you need, build a longer table - not a higher wall.
9:00 to 12:00 Drop In First Baptist Church, 59 John Street (Augusta Street Entrance). Snacks and refreshments; free haircuts by appointment. Call 905-885-6021. Some personal care supplies available.
9:30 to 12:30 and 5:00 to 7:30 Northumberland Fare Share Food Bank located at Port Hope United Church, 34 South Street - for qualifying persons. Call 905 885 6674
10:00 to 1:00 The Emmaus Cafe at St. John's Anglican Church, 33 Pine Street North, in the lower Parish Hall (please use South Street door) serving coffee, refreshments, soups, salads, hot entrees. Giant Tiger Grocery Gift Cards available to qualifying persons, please inquire. Call 905 885 2171.
6:00 p.m. the second Wednesday of every month The Community Dinner at St John's Anglican Church, 33 Pine Street, Port Hope. Call 905 885 6674; nurse practitioner in attendance.
meal table with words of welcome in several languages
9:00 to Noon Pop-In Drop-In at Port Hope United Church, 34 South Street, Port Hope; snacks and refreshments
9:30 to 12:30 Food Cupboard at the PH Health Centre, 99 Toronto Road for qualifying persons - please call ahead 905 885 2626.
11:30 to 1:30 Souper Thursdays at St. Paul's Presbysterian Church, 131 Walton Street, Port Hope
12:30 to 1:30 Free Community Lunch at the PH Health Cetre , 99 Toronto Road, Room 205
9:00 to 12:30 Coffee with Friends Drop In at the Salvation Army, 100 Peter Street, refreshments and snacks, and the Food Cupboard is open 9 to 1 for qualifying people, please call for an appointment 905 885 2323
Other Resources:
Meals on Wheels 1 866 514 5774,
Support Our Seniors 905 372 5308,
St Vincent de Paul 905 885 2940
Let’s eat together.