Poverty rates for senior citizens are on the rise in our community. Many seniors need help with housing due to renoviction, or simply the lack of housing that is affordable on a fixed income. Could our community help connect some who need housing with those who have room to offer a housing option? That is the thought behind this community driven initiative being led by representatives from St. John's Anglican Church, Port Hope United Church, Hope Community Church. In fact, this is more than an idea. A recent success has prompted exploring the potential for more good outcomes. In most instances the seniors seeking housing would be in a position to contribute financially; and in some cases, assist with chores and tasks around the home.
Are you 55+ and in need of housing help, or are you someone who has a place that you could offer a senior? Would you like to learn more? If so, you can step forward by reaching out to:
Shane Watson (St. John’s Anglican Church): shane@shanewatson.ca
Kevin Moore (Port Hope United Church): kmoore@porthopeunitedchurch.com
Ben Mills (Hope Community Church) : ben@hopecommunitychurch.ca