The Ministry of Prayer at St. John’s

Prayer is the heartbeat of a Christian community, and its importance at St. John’s can be seen by parishioners’ faithfulness to prayer. We welcome any and all to the ongoing meetings below.


A group about prayer

Every Monday morning at 8 a.m. (except Holidays) a group gathers on Zoom for a short service of prayer, time for quiet contemplation and a group reflection. Click here to join. For more information, contact Shane Watson.

morning prayer

Every Tuesday and Friday morning at 8:00 a.m. a group gathers on Zoom for a 20-25 minute service of Morning Prayer according to the Book of Common Prayer. No experience necessary to join in. Bed-head, housecoats, and coffee mugs are all perfectly acceptable. Click here at those times to join the meeting and bring your BCP (Book of Common Prayer) and Bible.
If you don’t have a BCP, you can access the complete text online here.
To receive a copy of only the liturgy of Morning Prayer, or for any other information, email Laurie Robertson or call/text her at (905) 396-4069.

Prayer requests

Continue to submit prayer requests to the office for inclusion in the regular prayers of the community at the prayer services on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

Prayer partners

The Rev’d Deacon Deb Chapman and Bill Bickle are available for one-on-one prayer support for people in our parish or beyond.