Please join us for worship!
Our Services
COME as you are, there is no dress code. CHILDREN are always welcome in church services.
For the homily, readings, announcements and upcoming events, click here to see this week’s Order Of Service leaflet (bulletin).
sundays at 8:30 am - Said Eucharist
A quiet, spoken service (no music) that includes readings, prayers, a sermon and Communion.
sundays at 10:30 am - Sung Eucharist and sunday school
This is our largest weekly service. It includes the beautiful music of the St. John’s choir and pipe organ. Children meet for Sunday School in the lower Parish Hall September through June each year. Click HERE for Sunday School happenings, vacation bible school, and more!
wednesdays at 10:00 am - Said Eucharist
We offer worship on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. (no Wednesday services in July and August). This said Eucharist is celebrated in the chapel each week. The service is even simpler than the 8:30 am Sunday Eucharist. Because of the small size of these gatherings, they are especially easy to follow. The traditional coffee time afterwards is a pleasant way to meet others. This service moves each month between St. John’s and St. Mark’s (51 King Street, Port Hope) - check with the church office or our weekly order of service (link at the top of this page).
Our Location
St. John’s Anglican Church, 33 Pine Street North, Port Hope, Ontario, L1A 3G5
What do I do during the service at St. John’s?
When you walk into the door at St John’s, you will enter a gathering place (“Narthex”) where folks hang their coats, look at what’s new on the bulletin boards, and pick up a leaflet (order of service) from one of the sidespeople. There is also a “Welcome” brochure on the table to the right of the doors. If a sidesperson did not give you a copy, try to get one on your way by. It includes brief descriptions of the history of St John’s and its various ministries active today.
Then you can go through the Narthex screen and into the area of the church in which the congregation sits (the “Nave”). Pick any spot you wish. If the pews seem hard, get a seat cushion from the back pews. St John’s has a craft and reading area for small ones on the right as you enter the Nave. You can sit with them if you wish, or take them to Sunday School in the parish hall next door. The Sunday School teacher brings them back for the Communion service.
The leaflet you picked up in the Narthex will guide you through the service. There is a blue hymn book in the pews for you to use as well. If you want to know more about why the service is designed the way it is, click on this link: Anglican Worship – What To Expect.
Following the Service – What’s Next?
Following both services, when the people leave through the front doors, there is an opportunity to speak with the parish priest. If you are new to St John’s please take this opportunity to have a brief chat with Fr. Jesse. If you attended the 10:30 service, there is often a coffee hour in the parish hall next to the church. Please join us for this if you have time.
Before you leave St John’s, please make sure that you have picked up the “Welcome” pamphlet mentioned above, from the small table beside the front doors. The pamphlet has a form (“Help Us Get To Know You”). Please fill it out and return it to the church the next time you attend services (it can go on the offering plate), or drop it off at the church office or mail it to us. This way, we can be sure to keep in touch.
You can also print the Help Us Get To Know You form HERE.
About Us
We are a Christian community dedicated to knowing God's love in our lives through worship, learning, and caring for others. We are blessed by each other. All are welcome here. Whatever your age, background, church experience, marital status, orientation, or ability, you are welcome here. Whether you are a lifelong Anglican, just visiting for the day, or checking out what church is about, you are welcome here.
What Is the Anglican Church All About?
The global Anglican church groups their churches (“parishes”) into geographic areas called Diocese. The parishes in a Diocese are supported by a Diocesan Bishop and support staff at the Diocese office. St John’s is a member of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto, which spans from Port Credit to Brighton and from Lake Ontario to Wilberforce. The Diocese office website has a very good overview of the Anglican church. If you are new to the Anglican church or want to know a bit more about it, click on this link (“About Anglicanism”):