There is lots going on as usual! Penny Nutbrown has created a lovely schedule which includes winter images and lots of information, which you can download and share.
If there’s something missing in the list below, please contact the webmaster.
Sharing Sunday, January 5 - please put donations of unexpired, non-perishable food in the shopping cart at the back of the church through the month for delivery to the Fare Share Food Bank. Drop off through the week as well, when the Office can let you in. Food will be delivered to Fare Share WEDNESDAY Jan 7 at 9:30 am (leads: Peter and Janet Lang). Click here for current needs at Fare Share, and how to make monetary gifts via CanadaHelps.
Epiphany Evensong, January 6 at 5pm, in the Church. Join us for a traditional sung service of Evensong to celebrate Epiphany. Reception to follow of wine and cheese with Epiphany Cake (King’s Cake), a lovely French tradition.
Community Monthly Dinner, Wed. Jan. 8 at 6 pm, Parish Hall (lead: Deb Chapman)
Cyber Security for Seniors, workshop with expert Kyle Ross, January 18 at 1: 00, Parish Hall (lead: Penny Nutbrown)
Chili Dinner & Talent Show, Sat. Jan. 25, 6 pm, Parish Hall (Lead: Monica Miller)
P.A. Day VBS for children (JK to Grade 6) January 31 from 9:00 to 4:00 (Contact: Penny Nutbrown)
Pre-Vestry information meeting, Sunday Feb 16, 12:30, Parish Hall, following coffee hour
Repair Café, Sat. Feb. 22, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Parish Hall
Vestry, Sun. Feb. 23, 12:30, Parish Hall, following coffee hour
VBS March Break, Mar. 10 - 14, Parish Hall