Children and Families Ministry
If you would like more information about programs offered by the Children and Family Ministry at St. John’s, please contact our Children’s Minister Penny Nutbrown by email. Volunteers are especially welcome in the garden and at summer day camp.
Easter singing by the Sunday School
Sunday school
The goal of the Children and Families Ministry at St. John’s is two-fold: to help children and their families feel that they are part of a caring and supportive community, and to help them develop into caring and supportive neighbours in turn.
Through stories and instruction, activities and conversation, the children are introduced to
Sunday events in the Spiritual Garden
Sustainability sundays
St. John’s offers Sustainability Sundays events through the good weather months. These events are open to anyone who wishes to attend but are focused on the interests and needs of young people and families.
In past years, events have included Movie Nights in the Spiritual Garden featuring films on environmental themes; workshops on raising monarch butterflies and worm composting; crafting with natural materials, and more. The Spiritual Garden also hosts class visits from local elementary schools and is open year-round to anyone who wishes to come and play or enjoy time in nature.
Some of the fun experiences at past Day Camps
summer church day camps
VBS (vacation bible school) is happening at St. John's again this summer. This is a very important ministry, connecting us to young families and providing children aged JK to Grade 7 with religious instruction as well as community building and Creation Care. Did you know that VBS is for many children the only religious experience and instruction they may receive?
Volunteers are needed to help us run these programs. If you are able to give us a half-day, a full day or more for any session, or for more information, please contact children’s minister Penny Nutbrown at the link above.
Adult and high-school age volunteers are needed to help us operate these camps. Volunteers can sign up for a week, or even a day. All help is appreciated and needed. Volunteers must have a recent police check on file in the church office.