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Shoreline: The Paddle Against Plastic

As part of our Sustaining Sundays Program, St. John's Anglican Church in Port Hope would like to invite you to an afternoon Zoom showing of the film Shoreline: The Paddle Against Plastic, a film about plastic pollution in Lake Ontario and what we can do about it. The event will be facilitated by the producer and subject of the film, Rochelle Byrne. Below is the invitation to the event. This should be a very interesting afternoon. Hope to see you then on Zoom. Thanks, Penny Nutbrown

Film Screening and Q&A with Rochelle Byrne

When: Changed: Sun 6 Feb 2022 1pm – 3pm Eastern Time - Toronto

Where: on Zoom - click here to join the Zoom Meeting

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Zoom call will start at 1:00 pm with a welcome message. The film will start at 1:05 pm and run until 1:50. There will be a 10 minute break and then the Q&A will start at 2:00 pm through the same Zoom call which will run until 3:00 pm.

If you have any difficulty joining the event please give Rochelle a call at (705)791-5358.

More Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 817 5488 2741
Passcode: 365032
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