Getting Ready For the 65th Annual Christmas Story!

(with apologies to The Muppets…)

It's time to play the music
It's time to light the lights
It's time to greet the Saviour on the Christmas Story night!

It's time to put on makeup
It's time to dress up right
It's time to greet the Saviour on the Christmas Story night!

Why don't we get it started
It's time to get things started
On the most salvational, invitational, celebrational, inspirational,
This is what we call the Christmas Show!

The Christmas Story rehearsals have begun, and volunteers are always needed:

  • Sundays after service for stage setup and takedown

  • Actors, young and old (littlest angels and shepherds can always use more!)

  • Behind-the-scenes workers

  • Assistance before, during and after (especially after!) the community supper following the first performance on Saturday, Dec. 7.

For more info about the event and the supper, please see our web page here, and contact Penny Nutbrown if you can be of assistance.